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TECHRITE GLOBAL RESOURCES LIMITED PROPOSAL CONSUMER LEASE FACILITY TO TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW THE RECOMMENDATION WHAT IS OUR OFFER? OUR PRODUCT WHY DO BUSINESS WITH TECHRITE? WHO ARE OUR CLIENTS? WHO ARE WE? BENEFITS EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW Background Analysis of The Need It is an understatement to say that consumer electronics goods have become an integral part of our daily lives. They help improve our standard of living, aid in furthering our quest for knowledge and personal development, and provide us with a source of income. From refrigerators, deep freezers, generators, ice block making machines to personal computers, LCD televisions, etc. they now define our daily lives. But they can be more than just consumer goods; they are also a good source of income as they could be used to provide economic value to us. However, the acquisition of the quality brands of any of t...