A set of twins can have two different fathers.
As in Taiwo's father is Mr Dayo, and Kenny's father is Mr Sola lolzz it is called heteropaternal superfecundation.

Let me explain: 

1. A woman releases egg from her ovary to Fallopian tube every month, this process is called OVULATION, the egg waits for sperm to come for like 24hrs, if sperm did not come, the egg break and become menstruation in like two weeks after. That’s why when a woman sees her menstruation, she be like" ope o, I am not pregnant," because if sperm had fertilized the eggs, it won’t become menstruation again.

2.When a man releases sperm into a woman, the sperm remain active in her body for five days, there is a mucus in a woman’s body that preserve sperm for five days. The sperm would wait, hoping to see an egg to fertilize, if egg did not come, sperm will die. 

3.Above explanation means that pregnancy takes place when a woman receive sperm during ovulation, It also means that, if a woman’s ovulation is on 5th of June, and she have sex on 1st of June, she may still be pregnant because sperm can stay five days, and on the fifth day that sperm is supposed to die, ovulation happened (egg arrived). sperm and egg will just jam laidat na. Oyun de!

4.When a man releases sperm into a woman, it is at-least 20million sperm per ml, so, in a single ejaculation you have minimum of 40millions  and above of sperm, out of which only one is needed to fertilize egg, once that one sperm find the egg, other sperm are useless.

5.Now, a woman can release just one egg during her ovulation, sometimes a woman can release more than one, it is called Multiple ovulations, or hyperovulation. So, if the eggs are two or more, it means more than one sperm is needed to fertilize each egg. If the eggs are two, you need two sperm out of the millions sperm.

6. Difference between Identical and fraternal twins: If a woman release one egg and one sperm fertilized it, then the egg now breaks into two, they form identical twins (look alike), the two babies are formed by a single sperm and single egg, but when a woman releases two eggs, and the two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm, then they become fraternal twins (not look alike), they are formed by different eggs and different sperm. Fraternal twins share only 50% of the same genes, whereas identical twins share 100%

7.Now, if a woman is expecting her ovulation for example on 5th of June, then she had unprotected sex with Mr Dayo on the 2nd of June, and on the 3rd of June, she also had another sex with Mr Sola, don’t forget I told you sperm can survive 5 days in a woman’s body. It means Mr Dayo and Sola’s sperm will both meet and greet, all mixed together and waiting for the woman’s egg to arrive. And on the 5th of June her egg arrived gbam, fortunately she had multiple ovulation  that month (released more than one egg).

8.Right there both guys sperm begin race to fertilize the eggs, two of Mr sola’s sperm can be lucky to fertilize the two eggs  if they are faster, and it can be two of of Mr Dayo’s sperm too, but It can also be one of Mr Sola’s sperm fertilizing  one egg, while one of Mr Dayo’s sperm fertilising the second egg, in this case, they form twins from different fathers. Kojubelo. 

his cannot happen to Identical twins but fraternal twins (unidentical). For this to be possible:

1.The woman must be having sex with multiple partners

2.She must have had sex with two of them within five days to her 

3.She must have released multiple eggs that month

It is a rare case, but it happens, a certain record said heteropaternal superfecundation was found to be 2.4% of 39,000 records research.

 Taiwo can be a native of Ejigbo while Kehinde is a native of Iwo. A woman can be pregnant for two guys same time. This is idan.

 I hope you learnt something? Please don’t go around suspecting all unidentical twins around you o, it is a rare case o.
See you next time.

Written by: Beta Adewale Adediran
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